Testimony of Answered Prayer for University Admission

Today, I am sharing my testimony of how God answered my prayer for University admission.

This is in honor of the online event series on testimonies of faith taking place here at AllRoundJesus.com.

My Testimony About the Power of Prayer

By the grace of God, I have several testimonies about the power of prayer. God is faithful, though I admit there are times I’ve doubted.

But one thing I’ve realized is that God remains faithful even when I’m faithless.

The second thing I’ve realized is that it’s much easier to have testimonies of answered prayer when we pray in faith.

God, I Need University Admission!

This was my heart cry over two decades ago. I had finished high school a year prior and had gone for a diploma course at the University. The diploma course was for less than a year, so it had ended in no time and I was back home.

Okay, this is how it all started. In my final year of high school, I had sat for University entrance exam for my Universities of choice.

But when I did not meet the cut-off mark for my preferred course of study, the University offered me another course. My parents didn’t think the other course was worth pursuing so I had ended up going for a diploma course instead.

During the diploma program, I sat for another University entrance exam and gained admission.

But due to the poor means of communication at the time (internet wasn’t so popular then), my admission letter didn’t arrive until students had matriculated.

Therefore, the school said since I didn’t respond to the offer of admission in a timely fashion, it was forfeited.

Of course, I was heartbroken at the time. The diploma program was over in six months and I went back home restless and discouraged.

One good thing that happened to me during my diploma program was that I encountered Christ and became born again.

And when I returned home, I didn’t stop following Christ. Instead, I used that opportunity to seek to know God more.

In order to keep busy at that time, I helped my mother at her corner store and was always with my Bible.

Remember to Pin For Latertestimony of how God answered my prayer and gave me university admission

God Answers Prayers

One day, I decided to embark on personal prayer and fasting because I wanted God to intervene in my “schoollessness” (pardon my English).

And that day, while studying my Bible, the story of how God led the children of Israel out of Egypt jumped out at me.

I can never forget! Those passages of scripture are etched in my memory. Below were the Bible verses that jumped out at me.

9 He rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up; he led them through the depths as through a desert. 10 He saved them from the hand of the foe; from the hand of the enemy he redeemed them. 11 The waters covered their adversaries; not one of them survived. 12 Then they believed his promises  and sang his praise. Psalms 106:9-12 (NIV)

And while I read these Bible verses, I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me and He asked;

“When you read that I led the Israelites out of Egypt, did you read that I led them back there?”

I said, “no Lord”.

And there and then God reassured me that He had already brought me out of my own Egypt of non-admission, and I should trust Him.

At that point, I became encouraged and hope revived in me. I was so sure it was God speaking that I immediately burst out in songs of praise.

testimony of faith and answered prayer for university admission

My Testimony of God’s Faithfulness and University Admission

Remember to Pin For Later

testimony of answered prayer for university admission


Up till this point, my father had been seeking audience with the VC in other to appeal so that my admission could be activated. He was doing it alone and my mother was not interested until one fateful day when I engaged her in a conversation.

This happened to be the day after God spoke to me and reassured me that my prayers were answered.

I’m sure it was God that led me into that discussion with my mother though it wasn’t obvious to me at the time.

After the conversation with my mother, she decided that we needed to visit the University. And it was there we discovered that the school had a separate admission program and it was still open.

The application process was easy, I applied and was given admission that same week. And by the following week, I resumed on campus to begin my studies in earnest.

That was how God miraculously answered my prayer and gave me a testimony of faith.

In closing, I want to leave you with these Bible verses;

4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
6 This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.
8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Psalms 34:4-8 (NIV)

Remember to Pin For Laterhow to pray and have a testimony when you need a miracle

Do you want to read more posts on true life testimonies of faith and answered prayers? If so, click the above link.

About Betty

Hey friend! I'm Betty, the blogger, career person, and family woman behind this site. I write about living a victorious Christian life, having a closer relationship with God, and overcoming life's challenges as a believer through God's word and prayer. My zeal for God made me develop this site. When I'm not here, I'm hanging out with my family. A fun fact about me? I love shopping!

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31 thoughts on “Testimony of Answered Prayer for University Admission”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this. Testimonies of answered prayer are very powerful. God does hear our prayers, and I’m so grateful for that.

  2. Jenna | Peaches & Prayer

    How neat! What a great testimony to share. I love that you added the verses you were reading. God is SO good and cool! <3

  3. I love your testimony! I am always so amazed and encouraged to see how our great God works in the life of another person answering a specific prayer and working out the details to supply the perfect provision!

  4. God is so good! He always works it out sometimes He just wants us to tell Him what we want. I’m so happy you got to fulfill your dream of being accepted! That’s awesome and now you have encouraged others with this word!

      1. I’m also believing God for my admission this year
        i tap into your grace and i trust God has done it for me already

          1. William ochieng odongo

            We have an amazing creator, He answers my prayers instantly. I cant exchange his goodness with anything! My redeemer LIVES.

  5. Thank you Betty for your very encouraging testimony. It’s lovely to hear how the Lord answered your prayers. Bless you

  6. Wow I love how God used the example of the Israelites to teach you what He was doing for you! And I’m so happy that God came through for you! Love this post sweet sister!

  7. I love hearing testimonies because they offer all of us such great encouragement. And through such stories, others can learn to trust in God. Thanks for sharing

  8. Beautiful testimony! I am so encouraged when I hear the way the Lord works in the lives of His children it does my heart good! Thanks for sharing!

  9. This testimony is a prove that God does great things at His own time. It is an encouragement that I should keep on trusting God for my desires, He will answer me at the best time.

  10. I think one of the reasons God gives us these experiences of answered prayer is to encourage others. You’ve certainly encouraged me today!

  11. Betty I so needed these encouraging words of how God works in our lives! He wants us to pursue Him passionately and then His will unfolds for our lives. Sometimes I forget how big and awesome our God is and that He has the power to work out everything for us in His timing!

  12. Nsidibe Sunday jonah

    It amazing…
    I pray Lord Jesus should answer my prayers too as it answer u
    In Jesus name I pray amen..

  13. I came across this page in my search for believing God for a miraculous admission and provisions. I am all smiles as I have a stronger conviction that our God is ever present in times of need. Doing the miraculous is God’s stock-in-trade and I have received mine in Christ Jesus, amen! May our tongues continually testify in 2024 and beyond. Happy New Year!

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