Tips for Setting Spiritual Goals That Lead to Greater Spiritual Growth
Do you want greater spiritual growth this year? In this post, I will share how setting spiritual goals can lead to greater spiritual growth.
Often at the beginning of the year, most people set goals and make new year resolutions.
Whether or not those goals are met depends on each individual’s level of determination and persistence.
Additionally, other factors could come into play such as environmental and situational factors.
But that is not the focus of this post. First, what is spiritual growth?
What is Spiritual Growth?
Spiritual growth in this context refers to the progressive development of a follower of Jesus Christ in godliness. And it entails being in right standing with God.
Such a person will increasingly grow to hate evil and love righteousness (Hebrews 1:9).
He/She will take root downward, and bear fruit upward. (Isaiah 37:31)
The apostle Paul said;
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. (1 Corinthians 13:11 NKJV)
That is the nature of spiritual growth, when you are growing spiritually, the changes will be evident in you. They will be evident in your words, thoughts, and actions because they will become more Christ-like.
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and people cannot see any progressive change in you, check yourself!
It is an indication that you are not growing spiritually and that is dangerous.
7 tips for setting goals that will exponentially increase spiritual growth. #spiritualgoals #spiritualgrowth #goalsetting #teacupclub #bloggerstribe Share on XWhy is Spiritual Growth Important?
A quick recall of the parable of the fig tree will help you understand why spiritual growth is important.

The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree
Do you remember the parable of the barren fig tree?
It accurately describes God’s disposition toward stagnation and fruitlessness.
6 He also spoke this parable: “A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. 7 Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?’ 8 But he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. 9 And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.’ ” Luk 13:6 – Luk 13:9 (NKJV)
It is evident from the above Bible passage that God is a wise investor and does not tolerate wastage. Hence the instruction to cut down the unfruitful tree.
At salvation, God deposits a measure of His Spirit in us and by that Spirit, we cry abba Father (Galatians 4:6). Through the help of that same Holy Spirit, God expects us to begin to grow and be fruitful.
Remember Jesus said in John 15:2;
2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. John 15:2 (NKJV)
Fruit-bearing is a sign of spiritual growth. God wants you to grow spiritually and to bear fruits of righteousness. If He has invested in you, He expects you to yield a commensurate fruit in return.
And to whom much is given, much is expected. (Luke 12:48b)
Read the related post on why you should use your talents and gifts for God.
Pertinent Key for Greater Spiritual Growth
What then should you do to experience greater spiritual growth?
Related Post: Indicators of Spiritual Growth
Set Spiritual Goals
Do you set spiritual goals? If so, how often do you do this? You should set Spiritual Goals the same way you set other goals.
One advantage of setting spiritual goals is that it will help you maintain focus and avoid distractions. If you don’t set goals, you will do things randomly and there will be no way of assessing your performance at the end.
A Spiritual goal in this context is something you’re trying to achieve as a follower of Jesus Christ. Our ultimate spiritual goal as followers of Jesus Christ is to be more like Him.
And the book of Ephesians enjoins us to imitate God.
1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. (Ephesians 5:1 NKJV)
Whatever your spiritual goal is, it must be rooted in the Bible and aimed at increasing godliness. This distinction is necessary because the word spiritual is broad and anyone can claim they have a spiritual goal without it having a biblical basis. An example of such a non-biblical but spiritual goal could be to derail as many Christians as possible.

7 Tips for Setting Spiritual Goals
- Evaluate your spiritual life, identify and document the areas where you are lacking.
- Determine the root cause. In other words, why are you falling short in this area?
- Select between 1 to 5 areas to improve upon within the year. Your selection should be realistic. Remember that your goals need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound).
- Develop actionable plans to improve on previously identified areas.
- Execute your plan
- Review how well you’re doing with following your plans. Make the necessary adjustments.
- Rinse and repeat.
When setting spiritual goals, remember that your goals need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound)
Example of Spiritual Goal Setting and Execution
Anne is an usher in her local church and she’s a women leader as well. Additionally, Anne is a wife and mother to two wonderful children Isaac and Joyce.
One of her 2022 goals is to improve her prayer life.
Following the steps to setting Spiritual Goals outlined above, Anne has realized that she needs to step up her prayer life. During Anne’s evaluation, she identified the reasons her prayer life is almost non-existent.
- She’s busy as most of us are
- She has to leave home early for work and this makes her too distracted to pray.
- Often times she doesn’t know what to pray about.
Anne has identified the root cause of her prayerlessness, now she needs to plan a line of action. So she starts by;
- Reordering her priorities because she realizes that a prayerless Christan is a powerless Christian. Therefore she committed to spending at least 15 minutes in prayer before going about the day’s business.
To achieve this, Anne sets her alarm to wake her up 15 minutes earlier so she can pray.
- Next, she looks up Bible plans and passages on prayer. She also invested in a book on prayer which she reads every night before bed.
- And gradually, she becomes better at praying.
Of course, because Anne is human there are occasional slip-ups but based on her review and self-assessment, she’s doing fine. The above is an example of how you would set spiritual goals and execute them.
Related post: How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Achieve your goals
In summary, we have reviewed what it means to set spiritual goals and why it is important to do so. One reason is that spiritual goal setting helps us achieve spiritual growth by being deliberate in our actions. Another reason is that setting spiritual goals will give us something against which to measure performance.
It is important to grow spiritually and bear fruit so that we are not at risk of being cut off from God.
And lastly, it is fulfilling to set a goal and accomplish it.
Setting biblical spiritual goals will lead to greater spiritual growth. #spiritualgoal #spiritualgoalsetting #goalsetting Share on X
God bless you Betty, this is really helpful, it’s proffers help to everyday challenge of a growing Christian.
Amen. God bless you too sir. Thanks for the encouragement.
Setting spiritual goals is so important as a Christian. We need to push ourselves to grow or we will go backward. I love doing BSF. It keeps me accountable weekly.
Hmmn Julie, I agree with you it’s like the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
I like your new home Sis Betty. This song you sang, ” Praise the Lord my spirit in the morning…” I never heard it that way, I love it. This evening, over coffee, I will read the 7 tips. I am sure that it will bless me. Thanks so much for including me, and remembering me.
God Bless you!!!
Thank you my sister. I’m not a chorister so please accept my apologies for the croaky voice, lol.
You’re welcome my sister, always always glad to have you around.
Prioritizing time in the Word is a biggie especially on busy day.
That is so true.
It’s so important to grow spiritually and not just stay where you are in your faith. Thanks for these tips!
Yes, we must grow and bear fruit that will abide as children of God.
Help me to bear fruit that is worthy of righteousness, Lord. May others be drawn to your light through me.
Amen and me too Lord. You’re blessed.
Hi, Betty! Thank you for this wonderful post. This is so much needed all-year-round! As spiritual growth is so important more than anything!
If corporate organizations set KPI’s and review them all year round, then we Christians too must set spiritual goals so we can grow spiritually.
I agree with you—it’s so important to set goals for spiritual growth. Thank you for the encouragement and practical tips on how to do so.
You’re welcome. We all know the importance of goal setting, whether or not we apply it to our spiritual life is another discussion entirely. But we should.
I love the actionable steps you have listed for spiritual growth. Your goal-setting advice is simple and powerful. Thank you fir sharing your tips about spiritual growth.
You’re welcome Lisa. Let’s set those goals and crush them too, yay!
Love the steps and example you give to help us formulate a plan. You are right in that if we don’t make a plan then we plan to fail.
I love your checklist so practical but on point for helping us keep on track and seek God’s best plan for growth and development. Thanks for sharing!
First of all, love the title! Spiritual goals for spiritual growth….I’m going to remember this for a long time! Second, this post is so helpful. Thanks for showing clearly how to chase after God and let him grow fruit in your life.
Love these tips for setting spiritual goals in order to grow spiritually. And that you remind us with step 7 that this is an ever ongoing process. Thank you for sharing this!
For the past seven or so years, I have devoted my time in living a more mindful and spiritual Christian life. This included rethinking the goals and how to grow spiritually. It also included on ways to make a significant spiritual impact and influence on others. We are called to grow spiritually and that means sometimes we ought to stretch ourselves through God’s guidance and counsel.
You know, I have never set a spiritual growth. I always aim for knowing more about God’s character each time I read the Bible, but I think putting things on paper and praying over them is pretty cool!
I love that you pointed out that “a goal without a plan is just a wish,” even in our spiritual journey. It’s definitely important to set goals to get better spiritually.
Goals without plans rarely happen in my life. Making the plan and actually following through is when the goals become a reality. Spending time with God can be a good intention, but if we don’t plan to make it a reality, it will rarely happen because life is so busy and distracting.
Good use of the S M A.R.T. idea for making goals for spiritual goals. Great post.
I am learning all about the Proverbs 31 woman right now and your post has so encouraged me to set good spiritual goals so that I can mature in faith. Thank you!❤️
These are really great tips for spiritual growth. So many of us aim to produce fruit of the spirit ourselves, but fruit is the result – the evidence of our growth! Your guidance for building goals are very tangible… thank you!
Yes, the fruit of the Holy Spirit is the proof of our growth.
I would have never thought to set goals in my spiritual life. Thank you for your insight on this matter. Blessings, Joni
Amen, thank you Joni. People set goals to lose weight, to get married by a certain age etc, how much more setting spiritual goals. Those are worth our eternity.