These series on testimonies of faith and answered prayers will hopefully bless you and provide reassurance that God still answers prayers.
I believe so much in the power of prayer because I have experienced and heard several testimonies of faith and answered prayers.
Our God is awesome, and He is still in the business of answering prayers, that is why He said in Jeremiah 33:3;
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV)
If you have been following this blog, it should be evident by now that prayer is one aspect that is held dear. That is why for some time now, I have been seeking Christians willing to share their prayer testimonies.
And thankfully, some wonderful people have stepped forward with their testimonies of faith and answered prayers.
We all will be sharing our testimonies of answered prayers over the next few days. Before I introduce them, here are excerpts of some prayer posts on this site.
And then, we will review what a testimony is and why it’s beneficial to share it.
Excerpts From Previous Posts on Prayer and Faith
Post on Prayer and What it Means to Pray in Faith
Prayer is a way of communicating with God and making our requests known to Him. The place of prayer is the place of no pretense…
Post on Fasting and Persistence in Prayer
The goal of fasting is separation of self unto God in prayers amongst others.
While persistence will help ensure that we keep at our request long enough for us to receive our testimonies of faith.
Post on The Importance of Praying God’s Will, Bible Promises and Thanksgiving
Praying in line with God’s will
Praying in line with God’s will is a key to receiving answer to prayer. James 4:3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.
Praying Bible Promises
Praying bible promises is one sure way to receive answer to prayer because God cannot deny Himself.
Praying with thanksgiving
Giving thanks is God’s will for us and praying in this manner will pave way for us to receive more.
Remember to Pin Me For Later

What is a Christian Testimony?
A Christian testimony is a witness or evidence of what God has done.
When Christians testify, we are bearing witness to God’s glory and supremacy.
Benefits of Giving Testimony
There are several benefits of giving testimony as children of God.
First, giving testimony is a way of acknowledging and returning the glory to God. This is good because God doesn’t like to share His glory with another.
I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. (Isaiah 42:8 NIV)
Second, giving testimony of God’s goodness will help boost someone else’s faith to receive from God.
Because when we hear of how God answered the prayer of someone in a similar predicament as us, then we are hopeful that He will answer us too.
I think this is what happened to the woman with the issue of blood. She had heard testimonies about Jesus Christ and His healing power and that prompted faith in her heart.
It is my prayer that as you read these testimonies of faith and answered prayers that faith will rise in your heart as well.
And you will know that nothing is too difficult for God.
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 (NIV)
Finally, when we give testimony, we are fulfilling the divine mandate to be witnesses unto Christ.
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 (NIV)
This online event tagged Testimonies of Faith occured in November 25-28, 2019.
What to Expect?
Four uplifting articles on testimonies of faith and answered prayers. These articles are bound to boost your faith.
True life testimonies of real people about a real God. #TestimoniesOfFaith #AllRoundJesus #answeredprayers #bloggerstribe #teacupclub Share on XBelow are the Guest Writers
Hadassah from On the Way Blog
Carlyn Paschall
Oluwasayo Olowolagba
And my humble self.
Click here to read the testimonies now.
You can read more about my own testimonies in this free ebook available for your download.
Betty, thank you so much for initiating and organising this online event! I am honored to be part of it and give my testimony of faith! And I am praying for all readers that they are encouraged and strengthened in their faith by this event!
You’re welcome Hadassah, it’s a privilege having you in this online event.
Praying that God will bless your labor of love.
Hi Sis Betty
My teacher, my sister, my friend, I am excited about the word testimony. Testimony means that our God is victorious. Praise God, praise God, praise God
Lol! My wonderful sister Hallelujah to God for His victory.
I have a hard relationship with God. But I like to pray. Thank you for amazing and inspirational post.
What does it mean to have a hard relationship with God?
It doesn’t sound good but I may be wrong.
Please explain..
Testimonies give us such hope. They show us a sneak peak at what God has done in the life of others so that we can both have hope in the dark times and celebrate what God is doing in different seasons. Testimonies give us deeper revelation into who God is.
Thank you for this wonderful description of the power of testimonies and answered prayers.
I recently started praying “God’s Promises.” It has the added bonus of helping me dig into the Word and remember scripture better. I’ve always started memorizing scripture, although I’m not that great at it yet.
There is definitely power in prayer. Something we may take for granted. I recall a conversation I had with someone where they came to me and asked me if God has ever answered my prayers. I had to think for a moment (because I have a unique way of praying). I mentioned that there are those moments where I knew my prayers were answered. I shared with him one instance where I was homeless, living out of my Mazda 323 on the Church Parking Lot in Bellevue, Washington. I was hired as a janitor and worked nights. One night, I had received a call from my father and the conversation did not go too well. The youth pastor was there, along with other men from the congregation. They asked what was wrong and the response was, “I don’t envy you.” I went out, sat down, cried, and through that pain, I prayed quietly. I looked up and watched a vehicle pass by and I kept meditating. Within a few minutes, I saw the car pull up and a young gentleman got out. He sat down and said, “I was driving and suddenly felt the spirit touch me and asked me to stop. You okay?” I mentioned the conversation I had with my father, the conversation with the youth pastor and the other gentleman of the congregation. He put his arms around me and I don’t remember all that we talked about. He stayed there for a good hour and sat with me. Sharing, talking, and it was the most comforting thing I’ve ever experienced.
Wow! This right here is a testimony and it touched my soul.
Yes, God answers prayers and that’s why I got a few people to write about their testimony of faith and answered prayers.
I wish I could make your testimony into a blog post so that more people can read it.
Prayers and testimonies are so powerful! I think that they really help to grow our hope and faith in Jesus. I think that there is something quite powerful in hearing stories from other people about what they have been going through and the shining beacon of hope (that is Jesus) in the center of it all 🙂
I’m so grateful for God’s faithfulness and answered prayer! Thank you for taking the time to gather together these amazing testimonies of God’s goodness. We often look to prayer as a last resort when we cannot physically “do” anything else ourselves, when in reality it should always be our first line of defense.
A baby is 8 weeks old and suffering with cancer. He is undergoing treatment and today doctors found that he has low neutrophils. Please pray for the baby.
Hi Shibu,
Praying ….
Thanks for this post. I really need to imbibe the habbit of testifying.
These are great verses on the power of prayer! It’s great that you included others in sharing their testimony too!
I love testimonies. To hear how God moves in people’s life gives me excitement. I’ve posted this article
This is such an amazing post Betty! There is so much power in our prayers and my hubby and I have been so blessed to have many of them answered. The past few years, we have been learning to pray His will more rather than giving God suggestions on how He can do something. It can be scary to ask God to do what He needs to do in a situation but it helps grow our trust in Him.
Sharing about answered prayer is one of the most powerful tools we can use as Christians because it proves God’s love and faithfulness. I especially like what you wrote about praying according to God’s will.
A baby is 8 weeks old and suffering with cancer. He is undergoing treatment and today doctors found that he has low neutrophils. Please pray for the baby.
Thanks for the reminder about prayer and how important it is in our faith walk. I also love testimonies! Every time I hear someone’s story, it is uplifting and strengthens my faith.
Im very happy reading about the testimony of god..i know in my situation right now god will help me tto my problem financially during this pandemic,sometimes i want to give up but i need to be strong for my self and to my daughter.
Thank you Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus for listening to and answering my prayers! O Sacred Heart of Jesus I love and trust in You!🙏❤️
Thank you so very much for your website. I have used some of the information to guide me in directing our new “Connect group” at my church. We are studying Growing my Faith. I have found so much to share with my group. Thank you.
I would like to thank Lord God, His Son Jesus, The Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, St. Jude and the Archangels Michael, Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel for helping me out of my previous employment situation and allowing me the opportunity to avoid financial hardships by being gainfully employed at a wage I can live on and not burdened as I would have been otherwise. I know that you all will be there with me to continue my journey to happiness in my career ventures and business affairs to obtain true stability and work /life balance by keeping my faith in you all. Faith, prayer, and diligence are truly the foundations to get through our difficult times.
power definitely lies in prayer and thank u so much for providing this guide
I’m really blessed to read ur article Almighty God bless you bountifully!