Fasting and Persistence in Prayer

Fasting and persistent prayers are useful keys in resolving knotty problems. Because as scripture says, there are some evil spirits that only go out by prayer and fasting. 

In part 1 of this post, we talked about what prayer is, it’s importance, and some of the keys to receiving answer to prayer.

The word key in this post denotes a clue to receiving answer to our prayer requests. It means that this post gives an explanation or identification of what can be done to improve our chances of receiving answer to prayer. 

Note that this post doesn’t promise that you will receive answers to all your prayers all the time, for that is up to God.

But it discusses God’s expectations of how prayer should be made based on scriptural references and our own expectations when we pray.

The two keys examined in the previous post were faith and the name of Jesus.

It was established that God honors faith and it is impossible to please God without faith. Heb 11:6

Therefore, we must pray in faith whenever we pray. Similarly, we emphasized that all that is needed is a tiny bit of faith. It doesn’t matter if your faith is as small as a mustard seed, what matters is that you exercise it in the place of prayer.

The second key we examined was praying in the name of Jesus, because the name of Jesus is above every other name. Phil 2:9-10

We gave an analogy of people receiving favors and opportunities just by dropping relevant names of important people at the right time.

The name of Jesus is a key to unlock the heavens and give us the answer to prayer. Jesus himself told us that whatsoever we ask the father in his name will be given to us. John 16:23

Today by God’s grace, we will look at two additional keys; fasting and persistence.

Fasting and Prayer

Fasting means refraining from eating and denying ourselves of worldly pleasures for a while.

It’s aim is to bring us closer to God and sharpen our spirit man so we see and hear God more clearly. There’s no hard and fast rule about fasting, you determine the length of the fast. It could be for a day, three days, seven days, thirty days or more. You could start small say for a few hours of the day and gradually increase it as your body becomes more accustomed to it.

The goal of fasting is separation of self unto God in prayers amongst others. All through the Bible there are accounts of people who fasted for various reasons. Jesus fasted to receive power from on high, Esther fasted to receive favor from the king, Daniel fasted for God’s mercy.

Similarly, Moses fasted when he went up to receive the ten commandments and when the Israelites sinned against God. In fact the first account of fasting we read in the Bible was that of Moses. He fasted when he went to the top of mount Sinai to receive the words of the covenant, the ten commandments Ex 24:18, 34:28-29, Deut 9:9. 

He was on top of the mount for forty days and forty nights without eating or drinking. When he got back from the top of the mount, his face shone, reflecting God’s glory. The glory of the most high rubbed off on him because He tarried in His presence for so long and with fasting. He fasted another forty days and forty nights when the Israelites made and declared the molten calf as their god. Deut 9:18,19

The purpose of the fast was to appease the hot anger and displeasure of God so He won’t destroy the Israelites.

We see from the above two accounts that fasting exposes us to God’s glory and it’s a way to appease God’s wrath. Fasting is a sign of humility and consecration in which you’re focused on God and on receiving from Him.

Our Lord Jesus Christ emphasised the importance of fasting and he practiced it as well. His ministry wasn’t fully launched until after he received power through praying and fasting for forty days and forty nights Lk 4:1-2,14.

Similarly, when the disciples asked him why they couldn’t cure the epileptic child brought to them, he told them it could only have been done by prayer and fasting. Mt 17:21, Mk 9:29 His exact words were;

Matthew 17:21
Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

This implies that Jesus was probably living a fasted life since he was able to cast out the evil spirit. Mt 17:18

So there are certain situations, issues, challenges and problems that will only answer to a combination of fasting and prayer. I call it prayer and fasting combo. This combo brings down the power of God so that knotty issues are quickly and easily resolved.

Prayer and fasting are therefore weapons of spiritual warfare.

The next key to praying and receiving answer to prayer that will be examined is persistence.

pray persistently

Persistence in Prayers

Being persistent in prayers will ensure that God the righteous judge hears us as promised.

7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? (Luke 18:7 KJV )

Persistence simply put, means not giving up in the face of challenges. It is being tenacious and single minded in the pursuit of one’s goals, desires and ambitions.

Have you ever seen a bulldog dragging an item; a toy, a stick, a bone with anyone? They never let go of that item. A bulldog will hold on tenaciously until the object becomes theirs.

We need that kind of persistence in our prayer life and our endeavors generally; career wise, prayer, faith marriage, children etc.

Don’t let go, don’t give up.

Be persistent in prayers, faith, and fasting with positive expectation. Borrow a leaf from the parable of the widow and unjust judge in Lk 18: 1 – 7. The widow requested a judge to avenge her of her adversaries. But her request was not to any other, than a judge who neither feared God nor man. Was she avenged eventually? Yes, but not without persistence on her part. Her persistence paid off when she received justice in the end. She didn’t consider the judge’s qualities or attitude. All she did was focus and persistently make her request known and eventually the judge conceded.

Jesus told this story to buttress the point that we must be persistent in prayer. If an unjust judge could do right by a helpless widow, how much more God!

God the righteous judge will avenge His elect that cry unto him day and night. Lk 18:7

Whatever we want in life, we must persistently go after it in a Godly way.

If Daniel had given up praying, he would not have received answer to his prayer not because God didn’t respond. But because the prince of Persia resisted the angel sent to give him the answer to prayer.

It took another twenty one days of persistent prayers before he could get the reply.

What if he had given up on the 20th day? He surely wouldn’t have received the desired answer to his prayer.

That’s why persistence is key in spiritual warfare and life endeavors.

Don’t just throw in the towel, keep keeping on and very soon your effort will be rewarded.

Do you have stories to share about how any of the keys we’ve talked about so far have worked for you? Why don’t you share your story in the comment section below.

Always remember you are a Royal Diadem, beautiful in God’s hands.

About Betty

Hey friend! I'm Betty, the blogger, career person, and family woman behind this site. I write about living a victorious Christian life, having a closer relationship with God, and overcoming life's challenges as a believer through God's word and prayer. My zeal for God made me develop this site. When I'm not here, I'm hanging out with my family. A fun fact about me? I love shopping!

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18 thoughts on “Fasting and Persistence in Prayer”

  1. Great article! Well referenced and inspiring. I have only done short, one day fasts in the past but I would like to do something longer in the near future as part of acting in faith to gain a breakthrough. Thanks for sharing!

  2. In those times that an answer to prayer comes of which you hadn’t previously mentioned to anyone, it’s so amazing how it’s so very clear that God did that just for you!!

  3. Amen! Fasting is a spiritual warfare weapon. It’s nice to see posts about fasting, as it’s something we’re supposed to do! Thank you. 🙂

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