6 Biblical Examples of Answered Prayers
Sometimes in life, we may experience certain situations and circumstances that defy simple understanding and faith. Such situations may prompt us to question the validity of our faith and wonder whether the whole concept of God’s existence is a sham. At such times, having ready examples of those prayed and received answers to prayers will come in handy.
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We will review 6 biblical examples of people who prayed and received answers to their prayers and some lessons learned from their specific situation or circumstance. The list is by no means exhaustive and you are free to add to the list.
- 6 Biblical Examples of Answered Prayers
- Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:1-6)
- Lessons Learnt About Hezekiah’s Answered Prayer
- Hannah (1Samuel 1:1-2, 6, 9-11,19-20)
- Lessons Learnt About Hannah’s Answered Prayer
- The Church, When Peter Was Imprisoned (Acts 12:1-17)
- Lessons Learnt About the Church’s Answered Prayers
- Joshua (Joshua 10:11-14)
- Lessons Learnt About Joshua’s Answered Prayer
- Jabez (1chronicles 4:9-10)
- Lesson Learnt About Jabez’s Answered Prayer
- The Syrophoenician Woman
- Lessons Learned From the Syrophoenician Woman
- Conclusion
The 6 biblical examples of answered prayers we will be looking at are;
- Hezekiah
- Hannah
- The Church
- Joshua and
- Jabez
- The Syrophoenician woman
Before I start, I encourage you to keep a tab on true life Testimonies of Faith and Answered Prayers. You can right-click on the link and open in a new tab so you don’t forget to read these testimonies.
These testimonies will surely boost your faith.
Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:1-6)
The first biblical example of answered prayer we are reviewing is Hezekiah.
Hezekiah was sick unto death and to worsen the matter, God sent His prophet Isaiah to inform him of his impending death.
What was he to do? Here was a prophet of God sent directly to inform him to put his house in order and be prepared to die.
When he got the message, he didn’t waste time thinking about resigning to fate or how to put his house in order. Instead, Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed reminding God how he had walked with Him in his youth.
Bible recorded that before Prophet Isaiah could leave the King’s palace, God answered Hezekiah’s prayer and sent the prophet to tell him He has added 15 years to his life.
For Hezekiah to have immediately thought of praying when he received such sad news of his imminent death, means he must have had an existing relationship with God and he knew his God.
No wonder the Bible says they that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Dan 11:32b
It also goes to prove God’s promise to answer us whenever we call.
“It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear. (Isaiah 65:24 KJV)
Another thing to note is; Hezekiah didn’t indulge in self-pity when he received news of his death date.
Instead, he quickly humbled himself before God and prayed.
Lastly, for him to be able to boldly call God to remembrance of his past deeds showed he had walked before God uprightly.
Before I go into the lessons learned on Hezekiah’s answered prayer, here’s a book I can never forget in my life.
You can’t beat God givin’: Miracle testimonies from ordinary people serving an extraordinary God
I read this book and my life changed for good.
Lessons Learnt About Hezekiah’s Answered Prayer
1. Serve God while you have the opportunity and be faithful to him.
2. Remind God of your faithfulness in times of trouble and ask him to help you in your predicament.
3. Pray for the impossible and expect answer from the God of all possibilities.
Remember to Pin for Later

Hannah (1Samuel 1:1-2, 6, 9-11,19-20)
The second biblical example of answered prayer we are examining is Hannah who was childless in a polygamous marriage.
It is rare for women in polygamous marriages not to compete and envy each other especially if the husband has favorites. That was the situation in Elkanah’s home, he loved Hannah more, though she was childless. This made “her rival” jealous, and she consistently taunted Hannah over her childlessness.
The fact that the Bible described Peninnah her husband’s wife as her rival reveals the atmosphere in their home. Without a doubt, it must have been a tense atmosphere where both wives were always trying to outdo each other.
To top it off, Hannah was childless while her rival had many children. But she never ceased to go up to the house of the Lord yearly 1Samuel 1:7.
1Samuel 1:7 And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat.
In the years before the Lord opened her womb, she could be tagged the “weeping Hannah” because in vs 7 to 10 we see several occurrences of the word wept. Bible also recorded that she was grieved and in bitterness of soul.
Sorrow was part of her daily life due to her inability to bear children and her rival’s constant provocation.
But it is pertinent to note that she always went to the house of the Lord despite her sorrow.
She didn’t use her sorrowful state as an excuse to stay away from the house of God. She sought God despite her childlessness and in due time God answered her prayers and opened her womb. In the year that God answered her, she went to Shiloh as at other times and prayed fervently, pouring out her soul to God. In vs 20, she got the answer to her prayer, a male child Samuel and five additional children.
Read: Answered Prayers: Love Letters from the Divine
Lessons Learnt About Hannah’s Answered Prayer
1. A time of sorrow is not the time to abandon God or become scarce from his house. Rather it is the time to seek God more.
2. When in sorrow, anguish, pain, or bitterness of soul, etc., pour out your soul to God, tell Him how you feel, and don’t withhold a thing.
3. Seek God for who He is and not just for what you can get.
4. Desperate situations call for desperate actions, so make a vow to God and endeavor to keep the vow when the time comes.
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The Church, When Peter Was Imprisoned (Acts 12:1-17)
The account in Acts 12 is the third biblical example of answered prayer that we will talk about. It’s an account of how King Herod arrested Peter and put him in prison to please the Jews. He had previously ordered the killing of James and since it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to take Peter.
Something different happened however because the church offered continuous prayer (v5) to God for him. The incessant prayers reached God’s throne room and He sent His angel to miraculously rescue Peter from the prison where he was bound in chains between 2 soldiers. It was a miracle because the 2 soldiers he was bound in between didn’t realize till daybreak that Peter was gone.
Sometimes, we may experience situations that defy simple understanding and #faith. And it may make us wonder whether the whole concept of God’s existence is a sham. #answeredprayer Share on XLessons Learnt About the Church’s Answered Prayers
1. Pray without ceasing
2. Desperate situations require desperate actions, don’t be too lazy to observe prayer vigil.
3. When you pray, be expectant. Expect the miraculous.

Joshua (Joshua 10:11-14)
The fourth biblical example of answered prayer to be reviewed is in the book of Joshua.
It is true when we call on God in the day of trouble, he will answer us.
Psalms 50:15
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”
When the five Kings of the Amorites decided to attack Gibeon for forming an alliance with the children of Israel, they cried out to Joshua for help. Joshua responded by assembling his army of mighty men to war against the five kings of the Amorites.
God fulfilled his promise to Joshua and delivered the Amorites into the hand of the Israelites but there was a setback. It was getting dark and the war wasn’t over.
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In the heat of the battle, Joshua did a new thing by commanding the Sun and Moon to stand still. God answered Joshua’s prayer and the Sun stood still in heaven and didn’t go down for a whole day.
That is the God we serve, he is swift to respond to us in times of distress or need. He answered Joshua’s prayer on the spot!
Lessons Learnt About Joshua’s Answered Prayer
1. God is reliable and will answer our prayers whenever we call on him.
2. When we pray, we need to believe that God will answer us.
Jabez (1chronicles 4:9-10)
The fifth biblical example we will be review is the story of Jabez.
Although Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, he had a “but” in his life. The “but” was that his mother bore him in pain and because of that she gave him a name that means sorrow.
So everywhere he went, he was called and addressed as sorrow.
Read post: Keys to praying and receiving answers to prayer (3)
Sorrow followed him everywhere because of his name until he prayed to God for a change. Part of his prayer was that God should keep him from evil so that he will not cause pain and God granted his request. 1Chron 4:10.
Lesson Learnt About Jabez’s Answered Prayer
- Prayerfully reject whatever you don’t want in your life.
The Syrophoenician Woman
The sixth biblical example of answered prayer we shall examine is that of the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 20: 25-30.
Her daughter was sick with an unclean spirit and she asked Jesus to heal her by casting the demon out of her daughter. However, Jesus told her that He had other priorities as she was a gentile, and His focus was on the Israelites at that time.
He responded and told her that the children (Israelites) need to be satisfied first and dogs (gentiles) should not eat the children’s food. I won’t go into the details of what the statement means in this post since that isn’t the focus, but basically Jesus rejected her prayer request.
Thankfully she did not relent and went further to bring forth her strong reason as to why her daughter should be healed by reminding Jesus that even dogs eat crumbs from their masters table.
Due to her response, Jesus commended her faith and proclaimed healing on her daughter and the bible recorded it that the demon was gone from her daughter by the time she returned home.
Lessons Learned From the Syrophoenician Woman
The lesson we can learn from the story of the Syrophoenican woman is that of persistence in the place of prayer.
Indeed the Bible enjoins us in the book of Isaiah 41:21 to present our case and bring forth our strong arguments. And that is exactly what the Syrophoenician woman did.
She was unperturbed by the reference to her as a dog, instead she focused on what she wanted to get out of her encounter with Jesus and she got it.
In this post, we have reviewed 6 biblical examples of answered prayers and I hope you have been inspired and your faith charged as mine is everytime I read this post.
Finally, doors answer to keys, the right keys. In the same vein, there are keys to praying and receiving answers to prayers. Avail yourself of the free prayer resources on this site and watch your testimonies increase.
Awesome! Just more evidence of how good He really is to us! Thank you for this blessing! ❤️💚💛💜🖤💙💜💛💚💙
I’m leaving my info on your Twitter post please return favor❤️ God bless
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for stopping by and also taking time to comment.
I have been blessed by these answered prayers. God bless you
Hallelujah Susan!
I’m thankful that the post blessed you.
I love all these examples so much and the learnings you shared! The story of Hezekiah is a great inspiration. He turned to God to save him and prayer was his first thought in a bad situation.
Yes Tinashe. Hezekiah must have been a man of prayer.
I will call u mum betty cos your site is soul lifting. Please i humbly request you prayers for my sis whom i am believing God to make her perfectly sane and healthy again. I came accross your site as i was trying to seal my soul with the faith that God gives immediate answers to our sincere prayers. Thank you immesnsely and God’s blessings always.
Uwaoma Uzoma from Nigeria
Hi sis Uwaoma,
It is well with your soul.
Many are the auctioneer of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all.
I will be praying for you and your sis that God intervenes in your situation in Jesus name.
Let me encourage you with this Bible passage in Ezekiel chapter 37.
Ezk 37:3 — Ezk 37:13 (ESV)
3 And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord GOD, you know.” 4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. 5 Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. 6 And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the LORD.”
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I prophesied, there was a sound, and behold, a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bone. 8 And I looked, and behold, there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had covered them. But there was no breath in them. 9 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, Thus says the Lord GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.” 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army.
11 Then he said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are indeed cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will open your graves and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will bring you into the land of Israel. 13 And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people.
As surely as the Lord lives who made the dry bones to live again, your sister shall be well.
Thank the Lord for people like you taking their time to be able to help others to ease of finding things in the bible and explaining it.
God bless you.
Amen, please continue to pray for me that God should help me do much more than this.
Hi Betty
you are a true woman of God, thank you for this site my faith has indeed been Boosted. The story of Joshua, has Increased my faith in God
May God Continue blessing you with wisdom.
Praise God Racheal! All glory be to God most high for His giftings.
Sorrow filled my heart before I logged in here. But now my hope is built on Jesus through faith. Pray for me to have Job and settlement. God bless you Ma.
Hi James,
It is always darkest before dawn, and one thing I’m sure of is that God does not forsake the righteous.
Keep on trusting God and he will fulfill the desires of your heart.
Prayer is the Master key. Then with fasting it’s only way will can use to communicate to almighty God. Bolanle Oladejo comments
Thanks so much Betty. I am blessed and enlightened again by your write-up. God bless you.
Amen. You are welcome and praise God almighty for giving you divine enlightenment, more of it in Jesus name.
Lovely package and examples to uplift our souls,faith and prayer lives. I want to add two more people who got instant answers to their prayers…Moses when when he asked the ground to open and swallow Korah and co…Also Eliezer,Abraham’s servant when he went to search for wife for Isaac…thanks
Thanks and glory to the Most High God for giving you this knowledge to deliver this message.
It has sincerely enriched my spiritual being and understanding. Shalom
These stories are very fulfilling. I was seating in my car listening to gospel music to uplift me and said a prayer for GOD to fix my marriage and my finances but when I came across your page with these amazing stories of how GOD made a way it made me feel like my prayers are already answered. Thank You for this site and be blessed my sister.
This piece is really great. Thanks and God bless you.
Amen, thank you too.
Thanks be to God for these words of God….it has increased our faith..we have to pray without ceasing…Amen
May the good Lord bless you with more wisdom and knowledge sister Betty to bring many souls to everlasting life 🙏🙏
May God bless you for the sweet package of souls uplifting.I love the teachings so much. The lessons learnt about Hannah so touching.Pray for me to overcome these shortcomings of life. God be with you.
Amen, God bless you too and I’m glad you were blessed by teaching and the lessons learned on examples of answered prayer in the bible will remain with you.
May God bless you everyday and your family and when dark times come your way may he remember the work you have done just like he did for Hezekiah. May be a blessing everywhere you go and to everyone you meet in Jesus’s name Amen
Amen. Thank you Benjamin, may God answer your prayer and grant you your heart desires in Jesus name.
I really like your blog. Keep praying in your heavenly language with Holy Spirit.
I m Thandiwe Ndlovu in South Africa
I working for God through my Pre-school,
1 l m praying to God bless the school with 50 children and above
To meet the expenses of the school
2 For my husband to more jobs to cover the need of the family
3 the education for two children
And their future marriage,they big enough to have homes.
Hi Thandiwe,
I applaud you for your hard work and I join my faith with yours that your prayers will be answered before the end of 2022.
There is nothing God cannot do, and I’m praying for divine speed for you.
Hi mummy Betty, this article came to me right on time.i have been searching for answers as to why I have prayed for a child from God fervently for five years without receiving.please pray for me,it’s not easy praying without answers.God bless you
It is well. Believe me when I say that I know what it is like to pray without receiving answer. It can make one tether on the brink of hopelessness but we have to keep on trusting God and believe that His thoughts for us are good.
I will be praying for divine strength for you to hold on, stay strong and not lose faith.
Our God is answerable God
Hello mummy Betty, God led me to this site for a purpose. I have prayed for financial breakthrough so that I can settle loans and debt. But it seems my prayer is not answered. I’m believing God for a miracle. Please help me pray also so that I can be free from loan and focus on God’s work. God bless you
Hi Mammy,
Thanks for visiting. I am praying for wisdom for you to know the what to do to get out of debt in Jesus.
Thank you for the uplifting messages on answered prayers. Please also remember me as we pray for the hand of God and speed in the area of our finances. We are selling cars and they have taken long to get buyers now we are languishing in debt.
Thank you for this wonderful blog. I am uplifted and reassured by God over and pver through you that Je listens and I shpuld not be afraid because He isa faithful God and that He loves me and because of that He will rescue me so I may continue serving Him in this land. Thank you and God bless you.
I love this site of understanding dat we have a true God dat answers our prayer in times of hardship n depressed.thank you for dis message
it is really interesting my God continue to bless has and let has keep on praying God will always answers our prayers
This is a wonderful place….. amen
Hi James,
Amen to that. Look out for more in 2023 by God’s grace.
Thanks very much am Milly from Uganda,I really blessed
Hi Milly, thank you for stopping by and I’m glad you were blessed.
This story came at the right time and I’m glad my prayers have been answered. Thank you Jesus for my testimonies
This story came at the right time, when I needed a sign and I’m glad my prayers have been answered. Thank you Jesus for my testimonies.