Sunshine Blogger Award

Guess what? I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Yay!

Just when I thought having a Jesus Blog is unpopular and unappreciated, I got nominated.

A huge thank you to Esmeralda of My Shades of Emerald for nominating me for this precious award.

It’s an honour to be viewed as a creative and inspiring blogger. I feel humbled and motivated to work harder. Thank you!

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award given by bloggers to certain individual peer bloggers who are creative, inspiring, and an all-around outstanding model in the blogging community.

Rules In Nominating Peer Bloggers For The Award

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate (at least) 11 other bloggers to receive the award.
  4. Write your own 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
  6. Let the bloggers you nominated know you did so via social media.

My Answers for this nomination (Questions are typed verbatim)

What is your first name, and what does it mean or why were you named as such?

My first name is Elizabeth and it means oath of God. It was given to me as my baptismal name being that I am from a catholic home. After finding out the meaning of my name, I loved it more because God is a covenant keeper. He has never failed me.

Who is a famous person you would like to meet and why?

Presently, I can’t immediately think of anyone. But when I do, I will come back and update this section.

What do you regret in life?

One thing I regret in life is that I ignored the message of salvation for so long. Growing up, I had several opportunities to receive Jesus into my heart, but I never did so. Because I was afraid of falling out with my peers. Now I realize it was a foolish decision because since I gave my life to Christ there has been a positive turn around.

What is your blog’s niche, and why did you choose that niche?

My niche is faith, inspiration, encouragement, family and lifestyle. I chose that niche because I want to tell the world of God’s love among others. As someone with a Masters in Cybersecurity, I could easily have gone into the tech blogging niche. But I chose Christian blogging because I want to lay up eternal treasures for myself while helping others.

Do you think your niche represents you, and what you know?

I absolutely think my niche represents me, my passion for God and my desire to encourage and uplift others.

What do you think is your best blog post? (Link the post here).

I believe that every post is the best, because a lot of effort is put into every post I write. But judging by the number of shares, my most popular post is the post on prayer. The post is titled Prayer Keys: How to pray and receive answers.

Have you thought of giving up blogging?

Hmmm… sincerely speaking, yes. I thought of giving up blogging when my blog started picking up and I realized more people are looking up to me. It was kind of scary and being the introvert that I am (laughs), and I wanted to retreat into my shell.

But then I remembered this scripture;

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13 KJV)

Thereafter, I prayed to God for help and He’s been helping me, and I know He will continue to help me.

What social media platform do you use? Is it helpful?

Good question. I use several social media platforms and I’ve met several wonderful people on those platforms. So, yes, those platforms are helpful.

I use the following;

Facebook –,

Twitter –,

Instagram –, and just recently added

Bloglovin –

Although Pinterest is more of a search engine, it is kind of a social media as well because I have friends there too. And we follow and support each other’s activities.

Do you want to make money blogging? Or, have you made money blogging?

I think I’d like to make money blogging so that the blog will sustain itself if you know what I mean. Earning enough to cover the associated costs of blogging would be good. It would be even better to earn enough to blog full time, as this is what I enjoy doing.

At the same time, I hope to continue blogging whether I make money or not. Because of my earlier statement that it’s an opportunity to lay up eternal treasures in heaven.

Do you blog full time or part-time?

Presently, I blog part-time though it would be great to do so full time. But I can’t afford to do that right now.

How has blogging changed your life?

Blogging has changed my life in numerous ways (smiles). Firstly, it has helped deepen my relationship with God. Secondly, it has increased my knowledge in almost every sphere of life. Because I’ve learnt so many things, for example I learnt to design a website and add different functionalities to it. I also learnt how to do a bit of graphic design to add images to my posts.

Overall, blogging has helped me come out of my shell, not that I’m completely out yet. But there is significant progress in this regard.

My Nominees for the Sunshine Blogger Award

I like the concept of this award, the fact that you have to pay it forward.

My nominees for the Sunshine blogger award are;

Kelly R Baker

Counting My Blessings


Words of Faith, Hope & Love

Life Beyond the Vows

Alternatively Speaking

Women Undefined

Nyxie’s Nook

Sarah Geringer

Peaches & Prayer

Mind and Love


Below are my questions for all of you;

  1. Why did you decide to start blogging?
  2. What is one place you’d like to visit and why?
  3. Where do you see your blog 5 years from now?
  4. What is the greatest lesson you’ve learnt from blogging
  5. What is your advice for an aspiring blogger
  6. What blogging tool would you say has been most helpful and why?
  7. What is one fun fact about you that your readers don’t already know?
  8. How did you come about the name of your blog?
  9. Who is your mentor and why?
  10. If you had opportunity to change something about your past, what would it be?
  11. Have you ever thought of changing your niche? Give Reasons.

About Betty

Hey friend! I'm Betty, the blogger, career person, and family woman behind this site. I write about living a victorious Christian life, having a closer relationship with God, and overcoming life's challenges as a believer through God's word and prayer. My zeal for God made me develop this site. When I'm not here, I'm hanging out with my family. A fun fact about me? I love shopping!

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12 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award”

  1. Thank you so much for the nomination and congratulations on yours! Most people focus so much on increasing their numbers, regardless of cost. But I found it really found it interesting that you considered quitting blogging as a result of feeling the weight of responsibility that comes with increased traffic. I really appreciate that thoughtful reaction. Congrats once again!

  2. It was great to ‘get to know you’ a little bit through this! Thank you so much for the nomination. It means a lot to know you thought of me 😊

  3. Sayo Olowolagba

    Congratulations Betty, I know that hardwork pays, but I’m so excited to see hardwork being rewarded and appreciated in real terms, you deserve the nomination and even more, God bless you, you’ve impacted on so many you couldn’t even imagine.

  4. You’re beautiful! I’m glad to know you a little better through your blog. You are an inspiration so please do continue blogging. We need more affirmations from God and you are God’s instrument.

  5. Thanks so much for your nomination, Betty! It was fun learning about you and your blogging journey. Thanks att Hanks again and God bless you!!

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